What to Do With Packing Materials After Moving House?

A closeup of used cardboard boxes

You’ve unpacked your last box, and your new home is coming together. But now, you’re left with a pile of packing materials and a pressing question: what to do with packing materials after moving house? Whether you’re looking to repurpose, recycle, or responsibly dispose of your packing supplies, this article will guide you through various creative and practical solutions – without cluttering your space or harming the environment.

Key Takeaways

  • Get creative with old cardboard boxes by turning them into storage, DIY projects, or imaginative playthings for children.
  • Be eco-friendly with packing materials by finding local recycling centres or repurposing items like bubble wrap and packing peanuts for practical uses around the house.
  • Post-move, consider selling or donating leftover packing materials, and assess the condition of boxes to decide which to keep and which to discard responsibly.

Crafting a New Life for Your Cardboard Boxes

The humble cardboard box is a hero of the moving day, but its job doesn’t have to end there. With a dash of creativity, these sturdy containers can morph into functional and stylish additions to your home. Think beyond the box; from chic storage solutions to imaginative play spaces, there’s a second act waiting for every empty cardboard box.

So before you send them packing to the nearest recycling bin, let’s explore the myriad of ways your boxes can continue to serve you long after moving house, especially when it comes to utilising boxes after moving house.

Transforming Boxes into Storage Space

Overflowing drawers and disorganised closets can find their match in the form of repurposed cardboard boxes. Imagine crafting custom drawer dividers that slot perfectly into your space, keeping all your trinkets tidy. Or perhaps converting larger boxes into shoe storage that not only organises your kicks but also displays them with pride.

With a bit of reinforcement and some decorative flair, these boxes can become attractive and durable storage options for every room. And for the little ones, a splash of colour can turn a regular box into a treasure chest for toys, sparking joy and keeping clutter at bay.

Engaging in DIY Projects with Old Moving Boxes

A colourful DIY Christmas Town
A colourful DIY Christmas Town

Old moving boxes, including broken cardboard boxes, are the unsung heroes of the DIY world, offering endless opportunities to flex your creative muscles. From adorning your home with handmade holiday wreaths to constructing a one-of-a-kind cardboard Christmas tree, these materials beg to be transformed into festive decor. But why stop there?

Push the boundaries of cardboard’s potential and fashion functional furniture pieces that not only save you money but also add a personal touch to your abode.

Delighting Children with Box-Based Play

Remember the pure joy of diving into a cardboard box and sailing off to imaginary lands? Recapture that magic for the children in your life by crafting playhouses, castles, or even race cars from empty moving boxes. These creations are more than just playthings; they’re tools for learning, sparking imagination, and encouraging physical activity, like when a large box becomes a thrilling slide down the staircase.

And if you’re up for a bit of crafting, why not fashion play food or superhero costumes from these versatile cardboard canvases?

Environmentally Conscious Disposal of Packing Supplies

In our quest for a cleaner planet, how we dispose of our packing supplies holds significant weight. The goal is not just to declutter but to do so with the environment in mind. Cardboard, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts can all be given new life through recycling, but knowing the right way to do it is key.

Let’s navigate the green path of recycling and repurposing, ensuring that we recycle packing materials and contribute to sustainability rather than waste.

Finding a Local Recycling Centre

Believe it or not, your unwanted packing materials can be someone else’s treasure, especially when it comes to recycling centres that thrive on transforming waste into resources. Websites make finding a local recycling centre in Hackney a breeze; a simple search can point you to the nearest facility ready to take your cardboard boxes off your hands. Remember, though, damaged packing materials often have only one eco-friendly fate: recycling.

Repurposing Bubble Wrap and Packing Peanuts

Bubble wrap and packing peanuts, often seen as single-use nuisances, harbour potential for a second act. Here are some creative ways to reuse them:

  • Use bubble wrap to insulate your windows
  • Use bubble wrap to protect delicate plants from frost
  • Consider starch-based packing peanuts as an alternative to traditional polystyrene peanuts

These ideas not only help reduce waste but also provide practical solutions for everyday needs.

These materials, once destined for the trash, can instead contribute to your home’s efficiency and eco-friendliness.

The Art of Recycling: Bubble Wrap Painting

Who knew that the satisfying pop of bubble wrap could also lead to a burst of creativity? Bubble wrap painting is a unique way to create textured masterpieces that not only look stunning but also give this packing staple a new purpose. The process is simple: apply paint to the bubble side, press it onto paper or canvas, and behold the intriguing patterns that emerge.


Cut your bubble wrap into different shapes to unlock even more artistic possibilities, and once you’re done, your colourful creation is ready to adorn your walls.

Selling or Donating Packing Materials After the Move

Once the dust settles from your move, you might find yourself surrounded by more packing materials than you know what to do with. But don’t let them become a post-move headache! Whether you choose to sell them to recoup some moving costs or donate them to those in need, your leftover supplies can still have a significant impact.

Let’s look at how you can pass on the packing baton to the next person in line for a move.

Where to Sell Used Moving Boxes

Not all moves have to dent your wallet – selling used moving boxes can help soften the blow to your finances, and you can even find free moving boxes to cut costs further. Companies specialising in cardboard reuse are on the lookout for boxes just like yours, even if they’re branded or a bit worn. These firms often handle the collection and can pay you promptly once they’ve received your boxes. Just make sure you’ve got enough to meet their bulk buying requirements.

Donating Packing Supplies to Charities

If you’re feeling charitable, why not donate your surplus packing supplies to local organisations that can put them to good use? While custom-made packaging might hold sentimental value, it’s better to keep it rather than throw it away. Reach out to charities, schools, or community groups who might be in need of boxes for storage or projects.

Reach out to charities, schools, or community groups who might be in need of boxes …

Your donation could support someone else’s fresh start or next big event.

Innovative Reuses for Packing Paper and Containers

Not all packing materials are created equal, and sometimes the less obvious items, like packing paper and containers, offer the most exciting opportunities for a second life. From gift wrapping to home organisation, let’s unwrap the potential of these versatile packaging materials and discover innovative ways to repurpose them throughout your home.

From Packing to Wrapping: Reuse as Gift Paper

Packing paper, often overlooked, is a blank canvas for your gifting creativity. With a little imagination, this simple material can be transformed into elegant and personalised wrapping paper for any occasion. Whether you’re wrapping a birthday present or preparing a surprise for a loved one, repurposed packing paper adorned with ribbons, stamps, or drawings can add a special touch that’s both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Crafting with Packing Paper

For the crafty souls among us, packing paper offers a world of possibilities. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Create a rustic fall wreath to welcome the season
  • Fashion a bouquet of delicate paper flowers to brighten up your living space
  • Construct recycled paper baskets, adding a touch of handmade charm to your home

The durable nature of packing paper makes it ideal for these projects. Let your creativity run wild!

Multipurpose Packing Containers

Beyond the cardboard box lies the potential of clear plastic containers. By adding a single layer of packing paper inside, you can transform them into private storage solutions that shield your belongings from prying eyes and sunlight. These packing boxes offer a versatile alternative to traditional cardboard box storage.

These storage containers, robust and versatile, can be repurposed for everything from organising your garage to housing your craft supplies.

A kid playing with her DIY aircraft wings
A kid playing with her DIY aircraft wings

Decluttering Post-Move: When to Keep or Toss Packing Materials

The move is over, and you’ve successfully settled into your new abode. Now comes the challenge of dealing with the aftermath of unpacking – what do you do with all those packing materials? It’s time to declutter smartly, making decisions that keep your space tidy and your conscience clear.

Let’s navigate the process of evaluating which packing materials to keep and which to let go.

Assessing the Quality of Moving Boxes

Not all boxes are created equal, especially after a move. Take a moment to inspect each one for signs of wear and tear – a sturdy box that’s held its shape and can handle weight is a keeper. Look out for damages like tears or water stains that could compromise the box’s integrity, and if you find any, it’s time to say goodbye.

Remember, a box is only as useful as its condition allows it to be.

Clearing Out Unnecessary Items

Once you’ve singled out the keepers, it’s time to part ways with the rest. Here are some options for getting rid of your boxes:

  • If your moving company provided the boxes, see if they have a return or recycling programme.
  • Social media and local networks like Freecycle are great for passing on boxes to others who might be moving soon.
  • If all else fails, remember that the recycling bin is your friend for any boxes that are past their prime.


As our journey through the world of packing materials comes to an end, remember that each piece of cardboard, bubble wrap, and packing peanut holds potential beyond its initial purpose. Whether through creative reuse, responsible recycling, or generous donations, the choices you make post-move can leave a positive footprint on the environment and maybe even put a little cash back in your pocket. Embrace the opportunities to think outside the box, and let your moving materials embark on adventures of their own.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do with packing materials that can’t be reused or recycled?

You should dispose of packing materials that can’t be reused or recycled responsibly. Contact your local waste management services to find out the specific guidelines for disposing of these materials.

Can I really sell used moving boxes, even if they have branding or tape on them?

Yes, you can definitely sell used moving boxes with branding or tape on them. Just be sure to provide details about their condition and size when offering them to companies specialising in cardboard reuse.

Are there any creative uses for bubble wrap besides painting?

Yes, bubble wrap can be used for insulation, protecting plants from cold weather, and even for stress relief with the classic bubble-popping fun. Get creative with it!

How do I know if a moving box is still good to keep?

If the moving box retains its shape, has all flaps intact, and is free from tears, punctures, or water damage, then it’s good to keep and reuse.

Can starch-based packing peanuts be composted?

Yes, you can compost starch-based packing peanuts since they are made from natural materials and dissolve in water, making them an eco-friendly choice.

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